I started blogging in June this year and I have met lots of wonderful people through the blogs, email, and a few with phone conversations. Last Friday, I had an opportunity to meet with Marina of Daughter of the King in real life! Marina is the winner of The Preacher's Wife History Channel Giveaway!
Marina and I met in San Antonio where I picked up my mother from a business conference and we had lunch at Demo's Greek Restaurant. My mother called a friend of hers and all four of us just had a hoot of a time! I'm only sad because we just had an hour and a half together. It flew by too fast.
Here's a picture of Marina and I after a lunch full of food and lots of laughter!
We are looking forward to many more meetings. We are looking at plans for the Women of Faith in February and of course Beth Moore in August. Please let me know if you plan to attend either of these conferences, I'd love to meet you!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Posted by Shonda 4 gracious comments
Labels: friends
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Work in Progress
Psalm 8:3-4
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
Yes, the Lord has placed the sun, moon, stars and seas in their place. Yet I am a work in progress. Time + Conflict = Change (From Beth Moore's video & study, A Heart Like His)
I am only one person out of many, yet He is mindful of me and calls me friend. Oh how He loves each one of us as if each of us are the only one He has to love. His love is amazing!
I pray each of us receive a touch of encouragement from Him and to persevere to "Always pray and not give up." (Luke 18:1)
Blessings in Christ--
Posted by Shonda 6 gracious comments
Labels: spiritual
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The following excerpt is a familiar story that I have seen passed around via the email and internet. I want to share it with you.
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared and he sat and watched the butterfly as it struggled for several hours to force its body through the little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared it had gotten as far as it could. The man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon.
The butterfly then emerged easily, but it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would expand and be able to support the body, which would contract in time.
Neither happened! in fact, the butterfly spent its whole life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It was never able to fly. What the man, in kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required to get through the tiny opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved freedom.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through life without obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been.
And... we would never fly.
So we struggle in our lives. But we were created by God to struggle so we can become stronger. Our struggles vary from situation to situation. We can have struggles with our spouse, our children, our parents, our siblings. We may face trials of illnesses and even of death. Struggles that are not even our own doings, but a result of what someone else did. Struggles are inevitable.
God in His mercy and grace told us in His word that we would be tested and tried.
Proverbs 17:3 NIV
3 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold,
but the LORD tests the heart.
1 Peter 1:6-7
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
James 1:2-4
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to be joyful when I am faced with a struggle or trial of any kind.
But the Lord has equipped us with His Word and He is faithful to fulfill what He promised in His Word. His Word shows us how to overcome. His Word tells what to do when we become too tired to care or carry on:
Isaiah 40:27-31 NIV
27 Why do you say, O Jacob,
and complain, O Israel,
"My way is hidden from the LORD;
my cause is disregarded by my God"?
28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
When we complain and fuss as we tire, we can give it to the Lord who never becomes weary. He will give us hope and renew our strength in HIM.
As believers—as sisters in Christ—let us pray for one another through our struggles and trials. When appropriate give an encouraging word, but please, please—don’t bring the scissors!
Posted by Shonda 5 gracious comments
Labels: spiritual
Monday, October 8, 2007
Speak the Word
I admit recently I became complacent in spiritual warfare. I’ve gone from looking for the enemy in every circumstance to just chalking it all up to living in a sinful world. We have an enemy and he is real. Like a predator he will take his pounce on the prey when most vulnerable.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)
As believers we are to stay on guard and alert to the schemes of the evil one. He will take advantage of us when we are weak and weary.
One area that I am working on is self-condemnation. I can be my own enemy sometimes, but my real enemy knows how to take advantage of it.
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
(Jeremiah 17:9, NIV)
My heart has deceived me many times. Thoughts come in and torture me. Why am I a wife? Why did God let me be a mother? Perhaps I’m ruining these children. Why would God want me to do anything for Him? I’m no good. I can’t seem to do anything right. I’ve tried and tried and I fail again and again. All outright lies!!
The enemy has taken these thoughts that I have spoken and used them against me. I’ve even allowed him to plant more negative thoughts in my mind. BUT God is more powerful than my emotions!
This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 1 John 3:19-20 (NIV)
God knows everything. He knows how I feel and I can confide my emotions to Him. I can release all my feelings to Him. Then God can change my feelings.
What did Jesus do when He was tempted by the evil one? In Matthew 4, Jesus who was the Word in the flesh spoke the Word of God to Satan. Jesus is our example on how to live. He did not say, “I’ll think about that one. Let me call the prayer chain.” Or “Let me call my pastor (friend, mom, husband, etc) and get some council on this.” He immediately spoke the Word of God. He had the Word hidden in his heart.
I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 (NIV)
We too must hide the Word of God in our hearts. We must know the Word so when thoughts, trials, and tribulations come against us we can speak the Word of God. God promises that His word will accomplish what He sent it to accomplish and it will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11) The devil lies to us. We have a choice to believe those lies or believe the Word of God. God cannot lie!
The Word of God says, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 NIV) God has a plan for our life.
The Word says, “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.” (Ps 127:3 NIV) The Lord rewards us with children. He blessed me to be a mother.
About my failures, the Word says, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” (Prov. 24:16 NIV) And again and again I will rise.
I find my strength in Him. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (Phil 4:13 NIV)
Let’s say what God’s Word says, believe it, and hide it in our hearts. It is more powerful than our words.
Please take a moment to listen to the song below by
Blessings in Christ--
Posted by Shonda 7 gracious comments
Labels: spiritual
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
Okay, This looks like fun. Thanks Darla for thinking of me. Be sure to visit Darla, Princess. Since I dont understand all the terms, will someone please explain what Meme is? Well here goes:
It is all about your hubby/man! (HUBS)
1. Who is your man? Eldon
2. How long and you been together? 19 years, 4 months
3. How long did you date? 30 days, then I left for boot camp (USAF) for 3 months; 4 months after meeting we're married.
4. How old is your man? 42
5. Who eats more? me
6. Who said I love you first? He did.
7. Who is taller? Eldon
8. Who sings better? Neither of us sing. I couldn't carry a tune if you put it in my purse.
9. Who is smarter? Well--that depends on the subject. He has his areas and I have mine. We complete each other. :)
10. Whose temper is worse? He's more passive, so I guess that will be me.
11. Who does the laundry? I do.
12. Who takes out the trash? Our boys are old enough to do that now.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
14. Who pays the bills? That will be me.
15. Who is better with the computer? Again, he has strengths in some areas I dont.
16. Who mows the lawn? Our teen boy. (I think this is where children become a blessing. LOL)
17. Who cooks dinner? We take turns and often spend this time together. I often plan grilled foods so he does the grill foods, and I prepare the inside foods.
18. Who drives when you are together? He does.
19. Who is the most stubborn? Me
20. Whose parents do you like the most? That's a weird question.
21. Who kissed who first? It's been so long; but I think we both kissed each other.
22. Who asked out who? Eldon asked me.
23. Who proposed? Eldon.
24. Who has more friends? We both have a good circle of close friends and acquaintances.
25. Who has more siblings? The same. Eldon has one sister; I have one brother.
I tag Karen, Emily and Annie!
Posted by Shonda 3 gracious comments
Labels: tag game
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I Survived!!
I survived the camping and 4-wheelin' trip!!
Yes--that is me driving. I decided to drive for a little bit. I didn't drive for very long so I'm not considered an experience rock crawler or anything. I felt so out of my element that I didn't drive for very long. Besides, there were so many people there and the place was crawling with 4X4 vehicles it was stop and go traffic in the country! Go figure!
Oh--the guys had a a great time on this thrill seeker adventure. I had my adventure driving to the camp. I drove our Yukon and pulled Stephen's Suzuki on a dolly. At one point through steep and curvy terrain, Chase looked in the review mirror and the strap over the right tire came off. I'm glad he saw it. I stopped as far to the side of the highway as I could and my husband driving his jeep behind me gets out and puts the strap back on! Thank God He protected us! I'd much rather get my thrills by rolling a bunko & winning a prize. This feels a bit life threatening to me. (That is my opinion and not the general opinion of others in my family.)
Stephen had his maiden voyage over all these granite rocks. He enjoyed himself throughly. Here he is giving you folks a wheel wave!
Here's Stephen at the "WaterFall" which is about a four foot drop. Because of his bumper, the spotters decided it would be best if Stephen went down it sideways. He did! I took this picture just before he slid sideways down the slope there. I screamed! Forgot to snap pictures. Then I ran out of memory stick. I still had the other side, but my fingers wouldn't work to flip the button. I wonder why?
My dear husband, Eldon loves these adventures. He likes to drive over creeks on the walls if his wheel span allows him. Here is a picture of Eldon maneuvering over a creek.
Just before Eldon did this maneuver, up stream a bit I was in the passenger seat. We drove through the creek with the two wheels on the passenger side in the water and the two wheels on the driver side up on the rock wall. We're sideways. I was quoting what Eldon told Stephen several times--"Sideways is not good!!" Remember I was in the passenger seat. I noticed that the water was just a few feet below me, not deep but definitely contaminated with vehicle chemicals. If we were to slip I'd be in the water. My face was a foot from the rock wall. I was much closer to the granite than I wanted to be moving along at five mph. I had wished I were wearing the five point harness instead of the shoulder strap seat belt. Gravity was pulling my body out of the vehicle and I was clawing to grab hold of whatever wasn't moving. After that thrill ride, I decided to get out of the vehicle at "thrill" points. Here's Eldon successfully going down the "Waterfall."
Eldon tried to get Stephen to maneuver over a crack. Stephen's vehicle is basically stock and hasn't been modified enough for these types of rock climbing. Here's a picture of Stephen giving it a go with Chase leaning on the vehicle.Stephen backed off this rock safely without an incident. Chase did some rock crawling of his own kind. At all the "thrill" stops, Chase would go climb the rocks. Here's a picture of him and his cousin Jonathon on top of these large rocks. No one knows for sure how they got up there or how they got down. I stayed at camp on this excursion.
This camping trip experience was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I've done the "roughin' it" camping trips without running water and electricity before. What made this different is the environment. The place is called Katemcy Rocks. Katemcy Rocks is to four wheeling what Sturgis is to motorcycles. Rumor was out this was the last open weekend before hunting season opens. There were 204 4X4 vehicles registered. That does not include all the trucks and trailers used to haul in all the 4X4 vehicles. Nor does it include the RV's and tents.
Camping sites were not assigned. It was first come, first serve. We got there early Friday afternoon and had plenty of room. People came in all Friday evening and Friday night and the wee early hours of Saturday morning. When I came out of the tent Saturday morning, there were tents put up just inches from tents. Eldon told me we'll get to meet a lot of people there. Well--duh--when camping that close to one another you can't help but meet other people.
I had the opportunity to visit some with my brother, who is an avid four-wheeler, and visit with other nice ladies. I learned form other women that our husband's consider this an outing fit for the wife and counts as a weekend get-a-way. We all decided it didn't. A women's conference is definitely needed! This was an experience. And I survived!!
While there, Eldon busted the leaf springs on the jeep which now have to be replaced. A new club member busted the hood latches and competition lights. On the highway home (we were driving behind him) his hood flew open. Bent the hood back and busted the windshield. Another club member got lots of scrapes and bumps on his vehicle and the battery/alternator died. Another busted an axle. On the way home, my brother jeep in flat tow dropped the drive shaft and damaged the transfer case. Stephen got bumps and scraps, excuse me, "brag marks" on his vehicle. What is that cliche? The difference between men and boys are the price of their toys!!
If you're interested in looking at all the pictures posted, you can visit Eldon's club website at SouthTexas4X4.com. Pictures of tip over are on there. I noticed other club members are posting their pictures as well.
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Posted by Shonda 9 gracious comments
Labels: family