Saturday, April 5, 2008

Listen to the Coach

The boys of summer are back in action. Little league baseball is in full swing. My 10 year old son moved up to the major league. He’s playing with the big boys now. There have been practices and practices and practices since the first week of March. The game is on now. The other night our team lost – got stomped actually by another team with experience (mostly all 12 year olds).

On the way home, my dear son started with his complaints about what happened. He didn’t get to play as much as he wanted to play. He played second base for two of the four innings. Twice the ball went past him. He made one really good play by stopping the ball and getting it to first base. Yet it was just a second to late. The runner was deemed safe by the umpire. Throughout the first two innings, the boys of this team seemed to do what they wanted and ignored the coaches instructions. The last two innings, they started to follow instructions and played better. By this time though, the other team had too many runs on them to catch up.

Other team players also displayed attitudes. In a previous game, one said that he was too good to play outfield. He let two balls go past him. The coach pulled him immediately. My son asked why the coach pulled him out or pulled others out. I explained to him that the coach did what was best for the whole team, not what each boy wanted.

After this episode with the team, the coach called a “boot camp” session last night. The boys ran lots of laps. Whenever one person made a mistake, they all performed pushups. If teamwork work was not displayed, such as one boy called he had a fly ball, yet another one tried to catch it anyway. Therefore, the ball fell to the ground. More push ups. The coach is teaching these boys to work together as a team. He is working to empty them of their own selfish desires and play for the benefit of the team. The coach watches the whole playing field, while each player only sees his position.

Can we be like that in the body of Christ? Do we want our own position and think we know what is best? Do we do what is best for the benefit of others? Or what is best for me.

Our Father, the Coach, watches and sees the whole playing field. He knows what play needs to take place to benefit the team. If He instructs us to play a position and we refuse, it affects the whole team. Yet when we heed His instruction, it benefits the whole team. We must lay aside our desires. We must listen to the Coach, our Father.

Christ in His love for us, even though we are sinners, compelled Him to obey the Father. He went to the cross in pain and agony. He prayed and asked the Coach to take it from Him if it be His will. Yet the Father, told Him pay the penalty. Christ obeyed without complaint or hesitation. Christ trusted the call of the Coach. Therefore, we can let the love of Christ motivate us to live for Him and not for ourselves. This will benefit the whole team—the body of Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 HCSB

For Christ's love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: if One died for all, then all died. And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised.

Lord, we give You praise for this day. Lord You are our team Coach. You see the whole playing field—this world. You know what is in the best interest of the team. Lord, I ask You to direct me and lead me in what position You want me to play. I ask You to teach me to play that position well. I pray that I live for Christ and not for myself. I pray I do my part that will benefit the team. May You, Lord, receive all the glory and honor. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

3 gracious comments:

Lori said...

Oh I love your thoughts here. I can so relate to this with my three boys so active in sports. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I bookmarked you, I have a feeling Moms of boys need all the help they can get supporting each other (hhehe)

Indian Lake Papa said...

My coach hasn't pulled me yet, but He has come out on the field and booted me a few times! Mama is His assistant coach and she keeps me straight!

Fran said...

Being a momma of 3 boys that all play baseball....this is a wonderful analogy to pass along to them!!

Thank you Shonda for your insight and wisdom! You truly bless me always!
